Sleep matters

Sleep matters

Sleeping helps to restore your brain, not just your body.

Whilst you sleep, you are processing information, consolidating memories and undergoing a number of maintenance processes that help you to function during the day. 

Sleep and health go hand in hand. Poor sleep can increase the risk of poor physical and mental health. 

Here's some of our tips for a better night's sleep.

Include physical activity in your daily routine.

Regular physical activity can help better sleep. However, avoid being too active close to bed time.


Run a warm bath or shower an hour or two before bedtime.

A warm bath not only helps us relax, but also because our body temperature tends to drop after a warm bath, which can induce better sleep. Better yet, pair your bath with a relaxing book or music alongside your most loved RĀJATI fragrance.


Clear your mind before bedtime

Make a to-do list earlier in the evening so you don't stay awake in bed worrying about all the things you need to do the next day.

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