Being active matters

Being active matters

Physical activity is a powerful tool for enhancing both physical and mental well-being.

Did you know, just 10 minutes of brisk walking can elevate mental alertness, energy, and mood, making it a quick and effective way to boost your day.

How? Well, regular exercise contributes to higher self-esteem, reduced stress, and decreased anxiety by releasing chemicals in the brain that promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. Beyond the immediate benefits, staying active also improves concentration, sleep quality, and overall mood. Plus, it's a cost-effective way to improve your life—an accessible and valuable practice that many people can incorporate into their daily routine for free.

When schedules are busy and routines come into play, it can be challenging to find some free time. But here are some tips on how you can incorporate this practice within your daily activities.

Stretch. Seated or standing. Stretching throughout the day can help boost circulation and keep muscles supple.

Stand up and move around at least once an hour. You can also take a walk during your lunch break. 

Walking meetings can be a great way to combine work and exercise. You can walk around the office or go for a stroll outside with co-workers. 

Improve your daily commute. Can you walk a portion of your commute? Or get off the train or bus one stop earlier?

Find a work out buddy.

Replace a daily distraction with an activity.

Our wellbeing is linked to our mindset. And wellbeing begins with self care.


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